A scientific event entitled „A novel approach to assess and establish the socio-economic role of nuclear energy at country level” was held on 1st of October 2024 in Bucharest, Romania. It was attended by the ECOSENS partners, stakeholders and other invited participants. The event focused on the comprehensive socio-economic model for assessing nuclear energy, utilizing the System of Provision (SoP) approach. This new model aims to address the significant shortcomings of existing purely economic models by offering a wide suite of indicators useful for a relevant surplus of stakeholders, including investors (e.g., equity holders), consumers, governments, and suppliers. Participants were using the model by applying the SoP approach to Romania, Belgium and Spain national nuclear situation with the aim to test the model and to identify potential for the improvements. Last part of the scientific event was devoted to the Social Discount Rate with socio- economic indicators and sustainable principles like the Circular Economy (CE) within the empirical context of nuclear technologies. The scientific event finished with presentation of the results from group work and overview of future activities. The ECOSENS project will still continue in the third year with stakeholders engagement by providing several opportunities for interactions.