One of the objectives of the ECOSENS project is to introduce a groundbreaking comprehensive socio-economic model for assessing nuclear energy, utilizing the System of Provision (SoP) approach. This new model aims to address the significant shortcomings of existing...
The 2nd Scientific Event will continue with a session on 1st October, 2024 in Bucharest and will be dedicated to the new economic model proposed by ECOSENS to be applied in guiding researchers and policymakers in evaluating the adoption of nuclear technologies within...
The article presents the results of a systematic literature review following the PRISMA protocol and answering the research question of how climate change or energy security considerations affect public attitudes towards nuclear energy. Together 82 articles published...
In the frame of RICOMET conference in Ljubljana the second ECOSENS scientific event was held on 10th of June 2024. The project coordinator Daniela Diaconu presented the project and briefly introduced main achievements until now. Selected results from WP1 on social...
The panel discussion on “Public participation in decisions related to Small Modular nuclear Reactors (SMRs)”, will be organised on June 10 (16:00-17:40) in Ljubljana (Slovenia), in the framework of the European project ECOSENS (Economic and Social Considerations for...