WP4 ensures accessibility of project activities and outputs to a large target audience. The focus of communication activities is to inform about and promote ECOSENS and its results to multiple audiences, including the media and the public, in a two-way exchange following a comprehensive strategy established in the beginning of the project, including stakeholder mapping (Task 4.1). The dissemination activities within ECOSENS establish the tools (Task 4.2), elaborate communication materials (Task 4.2) and organise scientific events for dissemination (Task 4.4), making the results of the project available for scientific communities, authorities, policymakers and other end users. Within this WP, proactive stakeholder engagement will be ensured (Task 4.5) as support not only for dissemination and exploitation of project results as end-users, but also for the stakeholders engagement activities foreseen by WP1 & 2. The Data Management Plan will be developed (Task 4.6) to address Open Access and FAIR ideals facilitating reuse and reproducibility of investigative and assessment methodologies.