WP3 addresses the key weaknesses of the most relevant recent assessments of total costs of nuclear (and non-nuclear) energy, providing/enlarging a suite of indicators relevant for a variety of stakeholders (e.g. consumers, governments, suppliers), i.e. not just the investors (often equity holders). Review of the main industrial and scientific literature on the System of Provision (SoP) approach (Task 3.1), will enable development of a SoP model for the energy sector (Task 3.2) which will leverage the perspective from relevant stakeholders (drawing on input from WP 1 and 2). Task 3.3 will propose an overall architecture of a SoP approach allowing application of the social discount rate (or rates) in feasibility studies of energy infrastructures, particularly (but not exclusively) in the commercial nuclear sector. The SoP model will be further improved considering the Circular Economy Principles (Task 3.4). The newly developed economic model will be then applied to multiple case studies in different European countries with different nuclear energy programmes and strategies (Task 3.5). The results obtained, including feedback from stakeholder interviews and consultation (Task 3.6), will be synthesised in a series of policy recommendations for policy and decision makers (Task 3.7) containing consideration of novel criteria in the economic assessment of future energy infrastructure and the role of nuclear energy in the future EU energy mix.