Economic and Social Considerations for the Future of Nuclear Energy in Society

First two ECOSENS workshops with stakeholders, 29 & 30 March 2023, Brussels

Feb 1, 2023 | news

The ECOSENS project starts with two international workshops intended to discuss with societal stakeholders possible and desired energy futures in general and the sustainability assessment of renewable and nuclear energy options in particular. The First International Workshop “The art and science of imagining energy futures” will be held on Wednesday, 29 March 2023 from 14.00-17.30. The Second International WorkshopDecarbonizing Europe’s energy system: Checking and choosing indicators for a sustainability assessment” will be held on Thursday, 30 March 2023  from 10.00-16.00. Both workshops take place at the Club University Foundation, Rue d’Egmont  11 – 1000 Brussels.

The workshops will be in person for invited only, so you can signal your interest via

2nd ECOSENS Scientific Event

A scientific event entitled „A novel approach to assess and establish the socio-economic role of nuclear energy at country level” was held on 1st of October 2024 in Bucharest, Romania. It was attended by the ECOSENS partners, stakeholders and other invited...

2nd ECOSENS Scientific Event

Bucharest, Romania Pullman Bucharest World Trade Center 1 October, 9:00-17:00  Second ECOSENS Scientific Event – part 2 A novel approach to assess and establish the socio-economic role of nuclear energy at country level Introduction One of the objectives of the...

Second ECOSENS Scientific Event in Ljubljana

Second ECOSENS Scientific Event in Ljubljana

In the frame of RICOMET conference in Ljubljana the second ECOSENS scientific event was held on 10th of June 2024. The project coordinator Daniela Diaconu presented the project and briefly introduced main achievements until now. Selected results from WP1 on social...