engages with technical and social actors to investigate the role of nuclear power in a decarbonized energy system, considering the future evolution of nuclear technologies together with the evolution of other clean and renewable energy technologies, in the context of technological development, environmental requirements, and societal and market evolutions beyond midcentury.
The nuclear energy debate remains fragmented and polarized with limited space for societal stakeholders to co-shape and weigh in on the sustainability assessment of nuclear energy options and resulting decisions. ECOSENS creates such a space with several deliberative and consultative activities open to researchers, policy- and decision-makers, civil society organizations, NGOs, industry, authorities, local information committees, municipalities with nuclear facilities and other stakeholders.
- Four workshops will address imagined energy futures, exploring the plurality of evidence- and value-based perspectives, to develop practical recommendations for enhanced mechanisms of interaction between citizens, civil society, policy- and decision-makers, and researchers.
- Three workshops will review, critique and refine a proposed energy technologies sustainability assessment method, to draw recommendations on the approach.
- Stakeholder interviews will contribute to the development of an innovative ‘System of provision’ economic model, intended to consider novel criteria in the economic assessment of future energy infrastructure and the role of nuclear energy in the future EU energy mix.
Future consultations will be announced here