WP5 will ensure the day-by-day coordination of the project activities, the interconnections between tasks and work packages, as well as the external communication and collaboration with the EC, other ongoing Euratom projects or European and international organisations...
WP4 ensures accessibility of project activities and outputs to a large target audience. The focus of communication activities is to inform about and promote ECOSENS and its results to multiple audiences, including the media and the public, in a two-way exchange...
WP3 addresses the key weaknesses of the most relevant recent assessments of total costs of nuclear (and non-nuclear) energy, providing/enlarging a suite of indicators relevant for a variety of stakeholders (e.g. consumers, governments, suppliers), i.e. not just the...
WP2 will provide methodology in support of a better understanding of economic, environmental, and social/ethical aspects of the entire fuel cycle and of the different phases of the investment as applied to Gen II and III systems and extended to emergent nuclear...
WP1 groups all activities dedicated to social investigations. The actions on the societal aspects of energy futures will provide insights into the perceived risks, benefits and potentials of nuclear energy technologies (Task 1.1), which will be further deepened...