Economic and Social Considerations for the Future of Nuclear Energy in Society

2050 Here & Now Scenario Workshop, 29 August 2023, Dessel, Belgium

Jun 16, 2023 | news

The ECOSENS project will convene a workshop allowing societal stakeholders to delve into climate and energy futures and gauge the influence of disruptive climate change events on potential evolutions in citizen energy choices.  The “2050 Here & Now Scenario Workshop” takes place in juxtaposition with other ECOSENS events of interest.  Find details in the invitation. Pre-register for the in-person workshop here

2nd ECOSENS Scientific Event

Bucharest, Romania Pullman Bucharest World Trade Center 1 October, 9:00-17:00  Second ECOSENS Scientific Event – part 2 A novel approach to assess and establish the socio-economic role of nuclear energy at country level Introduction One of the objectives of the...

Second ECOSENS Scientific Event in Ljubljana

Second ECOSENS Scientific Event in Ljubljana

In the frame of RICOMET conference in Ljubljana the second ECOSENS scientific event was held on 10th of June 2024. The project coordinator Daniela Diaconu presented the project and briefly introduced main achievements until now. Selected results from WP1 on social...

Scientific Event as panel discussion on SMRs in RICOMET

The panel discussion on “Public participation in decisions related to Small Modular nuclear Reactors (SMRs)”, will be organised on June 10 (16:00-17:40) in Ljubljana (Slovenia), in the framework of the European project ECOSENS (Economic and Social Considerations for...

Panel discussion on SMRs in RICOMET

The panel discussion on “Public participation in decisions related to Small Modular nuclear Reactors (SMRs)”, will be organised on June 10 (16:00-17:35) in Ljubljana (Slovenia), in the framework of the European project ECOSENS (Economic and Social Considerations for...